Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Birds and Brews

With a day off, a birding companion, and nice weather, I shot down to Crane Creek in Ohio again yesterday. 70 species was the total (I wasn't really trying hard) including 24 species of warblers. I even managed a new Ohio bird - a Least Bittern calling along the marsh edge. (Reports of an iPod lashed under the deck with wires running speakers near the bird's apparent location are totally unfounded. ) My Ohio list now stands at 220.

After a long day in the field, what can be better than a pizza and cold beer? The Maumee Bay Brewing Company was the place. The Oliver House pizza, with artichokes, pepperoni, mushrooms, and other goodies, was simply awesome. On top of that, the Ottawa Ale was a delight. 5 out of 5 for sure! Everything was there! A near perfect balance of malt and hops. Caramel tones on the palate. Great color (amber-ish). Excellent body and perfect balance. Perfection, people. Perfection.

While birding, I snapped a few pics. Enjoy.

Prothonotary Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Cape May Warbler

Swainson's Thrush


Lora said...

Funny you should mention Maumee Bay- I had a field trip there this week. Great boardwalk- you still put on a better class! Lora

Paul said...

Thanks for the kind words!